Thursday, March 31, 2011

A pleasant trip to Padma Resort

It was supposed to be a typical Friday, before my maternal aunt called me in Thursday night. She had told me about her plan to spend a day in Padma Resort and invited me to join her. Suddenly blood rushed to my brain and I took the decision of joining my aunt and her family. I brought out my DSLR camera CANON 550D, which was in his black cottage for a week, and put the battery in charge. The time was 1.00 am as I went to bed. 

After six hours of sound sleep, I woke up at 7.00 am in the Friday morning. Within 30 minutes I had reached my aunt's home. I took me breakfast there and checked my updates from Facebook and Yahoo mail. By 8.30 am the preparation for the journey was finished, and we started our car ride to the Padma Resort.
It took us almost 2 hrs to reach at the Louhajong Thana, from where we felt the awesome mighty power of the Padma River. We took a boat and crossed the river to go to the other side. It was a boat journey of 5 minutes to the resort. From the riverside we could see the beautiful cottages. We contacted the manager there and he managed one of the wooden cottages for us. 

Side View of the cottage

Front view of the cottage

The two storied cottage we rented had a name “Ashin”, one of the Twelve Bengali months.  We took the stairs and reached the room of first floor. There were two beds with lovely white bed sheet, one of which got my tired touch. After taking rest for half an hour we went to a “Shampan” ride through the Padma River for two hours. I brought my DSLR out of my bag and tool plenty of photos. We returned to the cottage at 2.30 pm. Then we had our lunch in the resort restaurant.  The items on the table were fresh and tasty. We ate with our heart’s content.

With a full stomach, it was a time to take some rest. We slept till 5.30 pm, and then got ready for the return to Dhaka. The manager was ready with the bill of 5500 BDT (Bangladeshi currency). We gave a big thanks to the manager, as we were satisfied with the resort management and it was worth 5500 BDT.

* For more information about the Padma Resort please visit Here.
* My Facebook Account Here.
* My Photography Fan Page Here.
* My Flickr Account Here.

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